This is a tutorial on how to create blog posts

Creating your first post

Illustration for article: An image of a laptop and note taking
An image of a laptop and note taking

Welcome to Your Website!

This is a tutorial on how to create blog posts

1. 👨🏽‍💻 Logging in as an admin

  1. Navigate to your website
  2. At the end of the URL, add “/admin”
  3. You will be directed to the admin credentials page and
  4. Create a new account
  5. Repeat step 1 to get directed to the admin dashboard

2. đź“ť Post creation

  1. Once you are logged in, click “New Post”.
  2. Now, you are able to create a new post. You will need 6 pieces of information:

•Title of post

•Short description of the post (sub title)

•Publish Date: (can be set to “now” or a predefined date)

•Featured image: You have the ability to upload an image from your computer. If you don’t have a specific image on hand, look up a image that matches the blog post’s subject.

•Image Caption: Include a short caption of what the image is. This will help screen readers understand what the image is about

•Tags: Add any relevant tags (ie: Interview, Comedy…) and separate them by commas. These are optional

•Body: This is where the content will go. You can write the content in a word document and then copy and paste it here when you are ready

•Draft: Set draft to false if you are ready to share your work with the world. True will hide it on the website, but keep it in the admin 3. Once you are ready to post, simply click the publish button in the top right corner to publish your post 4. That’s all!

3. Editing a posts

  1. If you need to make any changes to a post, simply go back to the admin dashboard, select a post, make any changes you need and click the publish button to finalize any changes

When you are done using this post, set draft to “true” to hide it on your website